^ it was Steph's 22nd last week. this was my present to her via Le Petite Elefant. thanks, Genevieve! ^
I've had the urge to write something these last few days, but haven't been sure what exactly I wanted to talk about. Not much adventuring has been happening {lots of hermitting though}. And when I ran my computer security scan the other day, it cleared all my open tabs, so I can't share the articles and things I liked this last week. Boo.
I guess the only two things of note that have happened recently were (1) Steph came to visit last week and (2) I'm waiting on an email AND IT'S NOT ARRIVING AAAUUUGH. Let me ask you, doesn't "early next week" mean Monday, mayyybe Tuesday morning? I'm pretty sure "early next week" doesn't mean Wednesday or later. Grr. I was refreshing my email inbox all day today and NOTHING. Whyyyyyyy.
Evelyn's law school orientation thingmerbob was last Friday, so Steph came up Thursday night to hang out for the day and attend the ceremony. It's like the equivalent of a med school White Coat Ceremony, but there's no white coats and the new law students don't get anything. We thought they should at least get a mini gavel or something to commemorate the occasion. But no. Just lots of long speeches and a reception {at least food was provided} afterwards.
Since a lot of our GOC classmates are still in the Westwood area, we decided to have an impromptu class dinner Friday night at 6pm in Sawtelle. The more people there are eating, the harder it is to pick a restaurant. Sawtelle basically has three choices: ramen, curry, or tofu. It felt like one of those logic puzzles from elementary school when Person A doesn't want X and prefers Z, Person B wants Y and doesn't want Z, and Person C likes Z and dislikes Y. *facepalm* Since our car was the first one to arrive, and none of us had our hearts set on any one type of food, we decided that whoever showed up next got to choose the restaurant {since the last two cars had more adamant views on the matter}. Thus, we ended up at Curry House, got Yogurtland/boba afterwards, and took a quick group picture before we drove back to Evelyn and Mickeyla's new place to play. Three more friends joined us there.
^ noticeable height differential ^
^ the decor in the Marie Callendar's on Wilshire where we had our intern lunch ^
^ the publisher and editor-in-chief share the same birthday, hence an office-wide celebration. think gourmet cupcakes and champagne. *O.o* ^
^ our boss with her Summer 2013 interns minus Rainbow ^
Random Notes:
+ Yogurtland's Lemon Cream Cookie flavor... tastes like Sunday school. *grins* I tried it, started laughing, and made Mickeyla try it, too. She agreed. Those of you who grew up going to Sunday school might know what I mean. Ah, the days of lemon sandwich cookies and mini-Dixie cups of ridiculously tart lemonade mix.
+ JLin and I won at Nertz after dinner at Evelyn and Mickeyla's new place! Whoot. It felt like spring quarter all over again. Nertz all day, everyday.
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